Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia

Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia
It Doesn't Get any Better Than This!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Let's Give Jack Some Time to Cool Down

Vicki, dear,

Needless to say, Jack was put off at the remembrance of Art's behavior last summer. He had just settled into his favorite chair, newspaper in hand, pipe in his mouth and wanting to unwind after a hard day at the office. So the timing was not quite right to bring up Cookie and Art's arrival in town. I don't blame Jack's having a grudge. It is not the first time that Art has thought about Art first. We don't have to mention the sale of our old Lincoln a couple of years ago. Remember when they were living in Santa Monica and so "broke."

I think that I will let Jack cool down a bit before I ask him about getting together with the gang. I know that I might be able to interest him if he learns that Joe and Shirley will be there also. He really enjoys Joe and talking about golf and the likes.

I will be over at noon to pick up the silver. I look forward to a cup of coffee. (That new percolator coffee pot is dreamy. You make the best coffee in town. And I won't pass up a piece of your Cake-Walk winner coffee cake either.

Ta, ta.


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