Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia

Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia
It Doesn't Get any Better Than This!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mid-week Wrap Up

Spring break is approaching, Francine! I know Jack will be busy with his new client. So, what's it going to be for your week off? Nesting, a short jaunt to Palm Springs, lazy days at the club, or some leisurely gardening? Whatever you plan, or don't plan for that matter, enjoy your week off. You have earned a week of r & r!

I have created a list of projects to keep me busy. Yes, I know, I am supposed to be r & r'in as well. But you know me, I enjoy keeping busy. Lou will be in Chicago working on Mitzi's taxes. Yes, she has gotten herself into ANOTHER mess with the IRS, and of course, Lou is coming to her rescue AGAIN.

He only does it for the kids. He's so attached to his niece and nephew. Doesn't want them to be the recipients of Mitzi's problems, especially if the feds are involved. What can I do? I just don't get involved. It isn't worth my time, and it's none of my business. That's fine with me.

What is my business however is what's happening at the club with Jean Boyer. Reg called me an hour ago, and told me he was called in for an informal investigation. Reg, being the smart cookie he is, called his brother-in-law, Edward Hanson, the attorney, just as a consultation, and Edward showed up with Reg to the meeting, and guess who there with Mr. Peterson, Jean Boyer!

When Jean saw Reg with Edward, she froze. Edward threatened to sue the club and Jean for defamation of character, and Mr. Peterson said, "Oh, no, no, Mr. Hanson, our intentions are not to accuse Mr. Harrington of misappropriation of funds, not at all."

As you know, Reg and Shirley kept meticulous books, so the accusations are all without merit. Reg said if Mr. Peterson did not ban Jean from the club and any events, he would sue the club, Mr. Peterson himself and Jean. Long story short, Jean is gone, again, and this time, if she sets one foot back in Washington Heights, there will be a subpoena waiting for her when she returns.

How long did she last this time? One week? I hear she's leaving on her broomstick tomorrow and headed for god knows where. Ahhhhhhhhh! We can breathe freely now knowing that ding dong, the witch is gone, not dead, just gone, which is fine by me.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, a new boutique is opening up right next door to Carriage Manor Travel! In the shop window is a freshly painted sign that read, "Cruise wear coming soon." What a coincidence. We'll have to head over there soon to do some damage to Jack's wallet to get you prepared for your summer trip. How are your travel plans coming along? A trans-atlantic cruise! What a glorious time you will have, and m'dear, of all people, you deserve it.

You don't need to ask, I will definitely plan the Bon Voyage party. You know it's what I enjoy doing. Just tell me the date and time and your preferred locale, and it's all set.

See you tomorrow for coffee? We'll have some laughs in the teacher's lounge before our day begins. Hope Jerry's there to stir things up. His little quips today were priceless. Mum's the word. Would Jack be a little jealous hearing about the flattering comments you've received?

Friday, March 5, 2010

That Witch Jean's on Her Broomstick Again

Francine, watch out! That witch, Jean Boyer, is on her broomstick again, and this time hell hath no fury like a deposed guildwoman scorned.

Just got a call from Tina and she said she saw Jean at Faber's Office Supply. Apparently Jean is picking out invitations for the spring gala, and yes, Ronny put JEAN IN CHARGE!

Phone calls have been made, letters of, shall we say, dismissal have been sent out and Jean is running the show single-handedly. Tina overheard Jean flaunting to the salesgirl that, "Amateur hour is over because Jean Boyer is back in town."

Reg and Shirley have been kicked off the committee. Fundraising has grounded to a halt, AND the venue has changed! A new band has been hired, a new caterer, you name it. It's not the same gala because it's got Jean's dirty, filthy, and conniving fingerprints all over it.

I don't know about you, but I'm through with the club. Once they put Ronny in charge, I knew this kind of thing would happen. What shall we do? Start our own club?

Let's get together over coffee to discuss strategy.


The nerve!