Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia

Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia
It Doesn't Get any Better Than This!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Should We Let Her Know?

Dearest Gloria,

Such sad news!

Lois was walking on Rutherford Street (on her way to the butcher's) and she said she saw Jack's car in front of the lounge. While in the butcher's, she saw Jack and what seemed to be a lady client(?) walk by, giggling and smiling, head into Carriage Manor Travel. Since she had to wait for Max to cut her roast and wrap up her rather large order (it is fall, after all), she witnessed Jack and this lady emerge from the travel agency; he was beaming like a kid on Christmas day.

Lois saw the two walk into the lounge. She had more shopping to do on Rutherford, (the pharmacy, Milton's, and Katz's) and decided to have Max hold her order. After shopping, she returned to the butcher's to pick up her order. She pulled her car in front of the shop, and when she passed by the lounge, Jack's car was still there! Three hours later!

What do you make of this? Should Lois have a chat with Francine or better yet, Vicki? You know when I suspected Clem of being unfaithful, I wish someone would have let me know. Little did I know he was carrying on with one of his nurses. I always thought all the girls in his office were so common!



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