Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia

Domestic Bliss and a Bit of Intrigue in Suburbia
It Doesn't Get any Better Than This!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good Things Happen in Threes?

Dearest Tina,

Let's change that old expression into a positive one, shall we?

Let's also count our blessings. All is well with Francine and she and Jack will be touring the Betty Crocker kitchens in November (remember, sssh!).

Now I hear that Lou's darling niece, Helen, will be working at Bonwit Teller (in Lou's hometown, Chicago). Helen has dreamed of working at the Michigan Avenue store since she was a little girl when Uncle Lou would take her there for her annual shopping spree!

"Do not let her get away," Store Manager, Mr. Davenport warmly advised Personnel Secretary, Miss Eunice after Helen left her interview to sit in the office and fill in additional paperwork. She was hired within minutes!

Helen began her training in both the junior's and women's departments. She told Lou that Miss Eunice said Mr. Davenport has already commented on how poised and professional she appeared to be on the sales floor and that he remarked that he has "high hopes for this young lady."

So, now that good news happens in threes, what's next? Do let me know if you have any good cheer to share!

Yours truly,

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